
Poster illustration and design from Lisbeth Salander tribute (click for more on this project)

From "The D'rash Design Project" (click for more).

For DevilsGame, a digital novel - click to learn more.

DevilsGame - multimedia novel

Private commission

For DevilsGame, a digital novel - click to learn more.

Bird's Eye View
Monthly illustration and writing feature for Coast Monthly Magazine, featuring species of upper Gulf Coast birds. See a digital version of the column here.
Twelve Icons
A series of twelve small black and white illustrations, each representing
a personal quality or thing that is important to me.

Lisbeth Salander
This project is a typographic ode to the literary character Lisbeth Salander, the infamous protagonist of Stieg Larsson's The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (and the entire Millenium series). It specifically pays homage to the character as played by Rooney Mara in David Fincher's version of the film. The campaign includes two 11"x17" posters, an 18"x24" poster and an animated video.